Suburban Isles
6 gentle strands
drift with the wind
between isles of houses
they sing out my name
for hours
i sit in sound
through crystal walls
from marble eyes
fall memories of love
and company
cascading into mason jars
to be collected
and saved
for later
i sit
in a liminal space
waiting to take my place
amid patches of intermittent brown—
the dead spots.
among an endless stretch of things lush
and leafy.
gathered here by maudlin whistles
the overture of ethereal winds
their hands float,
forming names at fingertips
looming purgatory
from powerlines,
6 gentle strands
droning songs of melancholy
i listen from my window.
my marbles eyes squelching
angled down
glassy in my paper face
i watch
my patch
my brown,
my name.
amid a perpetual stretch
of things
and leafy
i am the portion
without life.